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Friday, March 23, 2018

Downton Abbey and Line of Duty stars for ITV's new series Home Fires
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Home Fires is a British period television drama about the life of Women's Institute members on the Home Front during the Second World War. Set in a rural Cheshire community called Great Paxford, the series is produced by ITV, and launched its first series in May 2015. The first series is set between September 1939 and early 1940.

The series was inspired by the book Jambusters by Julie Summers. With the first series having an average viewing ratings of 6.2 million ITV commissioned a second six-part series, aired in April 2016. The show focuses on a largely female cast, including notable actresses Francesca Annis, Samantha Bond, Claire Rushbrook, Fenella Woolgar and Leanne Best.

Series 2 of Home Fires premiered on 2 April 2016 and gained 5.2 million views with a 23.7% share. ITV announced it would not renew the show in May 2016.

Video Home Fires (UK TV series)

Cast and characters

  • Francesca Annis as Joyce Cameron
    Joyce is a pillar of the community, and the historical leader of the Great Paxford Women's Institute. The first series examines a conflict between Joyce, the "old school," and Frances Barden, the new leadership, all in the shadow of the beginning of World War II. Joyce is sophisticated and serene, and even her ex-nemesis Frances observes that she is a natural leader. Even though she can appear stern, pompous and vindictive, she is actually quite sympathetic to other people and proves herself to be a substantially good person.
  • Daisy Badger as Claire Wilson (née Hillman)
    The former maid of Joyce Cameron. When Joyce sacks her following her supporting the Vote of No Confidence, Frances Barden and her husband hire Claire out of kindness. She is married to postmaster Spencer Wilson.
  • Mark Bazeley as Bob Simms
    An aspiring author following the minor success of his first book. He was a journalist in the First World War and suffered injuries to his arm and leg from shrapnel, though he admits it was nowhere near combat. Volatile, self-centered and pathetic, Bob is physically and emotionally abusive to his wife Pat; he bans her from attending WI meetings and demands she wait on him hand and foot, never once showing gratitude. In season 2 Bob is called to London to serve as a correspondent and leaves Pat behind; however, he makes occasional visits back to the village.
  • Leanne Best as Teresa Fenchurch
    Great Paxford's new local teacher. She becomes a tenant in Alison Scotlock's home, eventually becoming friends and falling in love with Alison. It is revealed during the run of the series that Teresa has had relationships with women. The woman she was most recently involved with, Connie, arrives in the village and tries to convince Teresa to go to America with her, but Teresa turns her down. Teresa is devastated later when she learns later that the ship Connie was on sank.
  • Samantha Bond as Frances Barden
    Leader of the WI. Frances becomes head of the reformed WI following her urging for a vote of No Confidence in Joyce Cameron. Frances believes in a bright future for the WI and is overjoyed whenever anything good happens to the WI or in the lives of one of her friends. While Joyce's efforts to bring down the newly reformed WI are a constant source of frustration, Frances remains civil and calm. She is very supportive of Pat, and orchestrates her husband's transfer to London after realizing how abusive he is. She soon becomes a mentor to Claire Hillman and advises her not to wait on Spencer Wilson. Frances constantly supports and advises her sister, Sarah; when Sarah's husband goes off to war, Frances encourages Sarah and gives her a shoulder to cry on. When the evacuees from London come, Frances meets them expecting a child but instead gets a blind young woman from Liverpool, Isobel. Happy that she has someone to care for, Frances takes her in. Frances is a very skilled gunwoman, much to the surprise of her sister and Steph.
  • Clare Calbraith as Steph Farrow
    A farming wife who comes to enthusiastically support the WI after some initial reluctance to join. Steph is very happy with her husband and only wants what is best for him; when he decides to enlist, she supports him through love rather than reason. Steph also offers many ideas to the WI and becomes good friends with Frances and later Teresa, who gradually realises that Steph is illiterate and offers to teach her to read and write.
  • Chris Coghill as Stanley Farrow
    The local farmer and Steph's husband. He is brave and wants to enlist in the war, despite having unpleasant memories of the last conflict in which he served. Stanley loves his wife and son (also named Stanley) and works hard to provide for them.
  • Ruth Gemmell as Sarah Collingborne
    Frances Barden's sister and a member of the WI. She offers advice to her sister frequently, hoping for the WI to move on from the corrupt ways of Joyce Cameron. When Frances remakes the Institute, she becomes a prominent member with wits and ability. When her husband, the local pastor, shows a desire to enlist, Sarah is heartbroken and cannot cope, yet when he leaves she begins to be attracted to the dashing pilot who has been billeted with her. At one point they almost kiss but she pulls away, feeling guilty, saying "I might, but I can't." She looks happy when Joyce leaves and reconciles with Frances.
  • Frances Grey as Erica Campbell
    Wife of Dr. Will Campbell and the local pharmacist. She is a member of the WI. Erica loves Dr. Campbell with her whole heart and always seeks support and advice from him. Her initial surprise at Jack's sudden engagement to her daughter Kate gives way to full support. After noticing the abusive relationship between Bob and Pat Simms (her neighbours), she concocts a mixture of Lithium and lies to Pat that it is for Bob's stomach ailments. Pat surreptitiously puts the elixir into Bob's tea, causing him to be calmer and less cruel. However, Dr. Campbell learns of this when Pat accidentally gives Bob an overdose and confiscates the drug. Outraged that she would risk their profession and reputation, Dr. Campbell forces Erica to admit the truth to Pat, who is similarly angry; however, Erica maintains her belief that she did the right thing.
  • Rachel Hurd-Wood as Kate Campbell
    First daughter of Erica and Will Campbell. Vivacious and outgoing, she is more extroverted than her sister Laura. She and her husband Jack, who is in training to be a pilot, are caught up in a whirlwind romance. She is the first of the daughters to marry, wearing her mother's dress. They are about to move into their own home when Jack is killed in a training accident. Kate is devastated and goes into mourning; however, with the encouragement of her father and Joyce Cameron, she gradually learns to open up again.
  • Leila Mimmack as Laura Campbell
    The second daughter of Will and Erica Campbell. She is considered the more selfish of the two, constantly concerned about her looks, but when Kate asks for help she always pulls through. Laura is part of the WAAF, but is dishonourably discharged after her affair with Richard, a married superior officer, is exposed.
  • Mike Noble as Spencer Wilson
    The local postman. Spencer takes a fancy to Claire after coming to her rescue in a bicycling accident. He is cheery and supports the WI's new form. Upon receiving his notice to enlist, however, he abruptly ends things with Claire, leaving her confused and upset. When she learns he did this in an attempt not to burden her, she is annoyed but continues to pursue him. When he refuses to enlist on grounds of being a conscientious objector and is so outed by Joyce Cameron, Spencer is shunned and harassed by the people of Great Paxford, particularly Miriam Brindsley, until Joyce comes to his defense. Nevertheless, his relationship with Claire continues and they are married in the series 2 premiere.
  • Claire Price as Miriam Brindsley
    The wife of local butcher Bryn, and a member of the WI. The thought of war terrifies her, as she knows it will eventually take away her son David. He, however, is determined to enlist, which she vigorously resists, going so far as to falsify their ration card so the government does not know they have a son and asking Dr. Campbell to lie that David's childhood asthma is more serious than it really is. When David sneaks out in the middle of the night to enlist, Miriam is heartbroken and takes her anguish out on both her husband and Spencer Wilson, a conscientious objector. She also goes several days without sleep, writing letters to soldiers on the front and preparing care packages whilst shutting out her husband. Frances Barden, upon reading the letters - which are not at all encouraging or even positive - takes Miriam to task for her behavior, and they reconcile, though Miriam's antagonizing of Spencer continues. When a telegram comes to the house, Miriam fears for the worst and hides it in a sudden fit of panic. Bryn finds the telegram and advises her to open it. Miriam is very happy to learn that David is only reported missing and not officially dead. In the Series 1 finale, Miriam finds she is pregnant and is utterly thrilled at the thought that David will get a brother or sister.
  • Claire Rushbrook as Pat Simms
    A member of the WI. A battered wife, she has been a victim of her husband Bob's physical and verbal abuse for many years. She makes every effort to keep him happy, but remains with him out of fear, lying about and making apologies for his behavior. Erica Campbell's elixir, meant to treat Bob's supposed "stomach troubles," is in fact a mild dose of Lithium that causes his cruelty to abate; Pat, however, is so pleased with the result that she uses it too often and accidentally gives Bob an overdose, nearly killing him. When Erica admits the truth, Pat furiously refuses to admit that Bob is abusive. However, the notion that the village can see this for themselves causes her to realize how much she hates her husband and his daily acts of cruelty, including banning her from remaining with the WI (out of jealousy at her successful speech giving) and forcing her to give up her job as a switchboard operator. However, when she attempts to leave him he successfully cows her with threats that she cannot hope to survive on her own. When Bob leaves for London, Pat is immensely relieved and rushes to tell Frances Barden she can rejoin the WI. Frances admits that she used her connections in the Home Office to have Bob posted to London, and the two share an emotional hug. When refugee soldiers are brought to Great Paxford, Pat becomes close to a Czech soldier named Marek; however, this draws suspicion and ire from Bob, who continues to make occasional visits to the village.
  • Daniel Ryan as Bryn Brindsley
    The local butcher and husband to Miriam. Bryn fought in the First World War and survived. However, he was scarred by the events and Miriam forbids him from enlisting again. He cares greatly for his family and offers advice to his son David, who is determined to enlist. He at first supports his son's ideas but later decides it's best for the family if he does not fight. However, when David sneaks out in the middle of the night, Bryn chooses to let him leave with his blessing. This leads to considerable friction with a distraught Miriam, although Bryn does his best to comfort her. Bryn is supportive of the WI due to his love for his wife. When a telegram comes after David goes off to fight, Bryn and Miriam agonize for a while before deciding to finally open it; it only says that their son is missing. While Miriam is hopeful, Bryn suspects that, as their son is missing at sea, it is very unlikely he will return home.
  • Ed Stoppard as Will Campbell
    The local physician. He lives to help people through medicine. His relationship with Miriam Brindsley is strained when he refuses to lie that her son is asthmatic and therefore unfit to serve in the army. He then discovers he has lung cancer, much to his wife's horror, making him ineligible to enlist. However, he chooses to keep this a secret from everyone except Erica, reasoning that it would be better for his family to live happy and unknowing than fearful with the knowledge.
  • Fenella Woolgar as Alison Scotlock
    Alison is a member of the WI. She lost her husband George during WWI, and his name can be seen on the memorial wall. Frances tells her husband that the WI is essential in Alison's case, because if she was not a member she would never leave the house and her life would revolve around looking at the memorial wall and caring for her dog, Boris. Alison takes in a tenant, Teresa Fenchurch, but later discovers that she is a lesbian, which leaves her utterly shocked and worried for her reputation. However, she takes to heart her late husband's belief that "it can never be a sin to love another human being", accepts Teresa and revealing that she and George were never legally married, due to his first wife refusing to grant a divorce. Alison is soon blackmailed into falsifying the accounts of war profiteers and attempts suicide when they use the threat of exposure to make her continue her illegal work. She is arrested in the Series 1 finale on suspicion of fraudulent activity and aiding and abetting tax evasion. She later falls in love with Teresa.
  • Jodie Hamblet as Jenny Marshall
    Jenny is the switchboard operator for Great Paxford and works alongside Pat. For the first half of Series One she is Spencer's girlfriend. Jenny is often well-meaning, but can be rude and nosy, having a tendency to spread rumours and stick her nose into other people's business. She and Claire share a mutual dislike of one another.
  • Jacqueline Pilton as Cookie
    An elderly member of the WI. Cookie is kind and worries for the WI when it becomes corrupt and selfish under Joyce's rule. However, she shows a lot of happiness when Frances takes over and happily supports the newly reformed WI's movements. She worried for Frances's blind evacuee when she constantly cannot find her way to the shelter.
  • Eileen Davies as Anne
    The friend of Joyce and constant supporter of Mrs Cameron. She comments rudely on Kate when her husband dies, which prompts Joyce to defend the mourning Kate.
  • Anthony Calf as Peter Barden
    Peter is a businessman of sorts. He is the husband of Frances and very supportive of her acts in the WI. When Frances puts herself down, Peter is always the first to pick her back up. He is the catalyst for Frances's jam-making campaign early in Series 1.

Maps Home Fires (UK TV series)

Series 1 (2015)


When the WI is reformed by Frances Barden (Samantha Bond), she makes the committee less exclusive and more egalitarian; she is later voted as the official President. Meanwhile, Pat (Claire Rushbrook), a member of the committee, is being abused by her husband Bob, upon whom she is forced to wait hand and foot. Bob becomes increasingly abusive as Pat finds herself and begins to be noticed by the town and her fellow WI members, sparking increased jealousy and anger in her husband, who blames her for his lack of the success he feels he deserves as a writer.

The newly reformed WI's first project is the gathering of wild blackberries which they then use to make jam, as "every pound of jam we make is a pound of jam that doesn't have to come in on the ships".

When war is officially declared, the men of the town begin to consider what roles they might play. Miriam's son, David, is determined to enlist in the Navy, which terrifies her. However, after a talk with his father, who fought in WWI, he accepts the idea that in order to soothe his mother's fears and give her as much time as possible to overcome them he should wait to be "called up" or drafted.

However, such is Miriam's fear of losing her son to war that when the National Registry form comes from the government, she deliberately leaves David's name off with the intention of keeping him out of the draft. When David discovers what she has done, he enlists in the Navy anyway. Shortly thereafter the Navy delivers an official letter which Miriam hides in a panic, assuming it is a notice of his death. She cannot face opening the letter and having her fears turn into immutable reality. However, when Bryn finds the hidden and unopened letter, it turns out they are reporting that he is only missing in action. Grasping at straws, Miriam sees this as actually hopeful as it means the Navy is not sure of his death and that he may still be alive, though lost.

Dr Campbell finds he has lung cancer, preventing him from enlisting. His wife, who had been wishing for something to keep him out of the armed services, is horrified.

Spencer is drafted but registers as a conscientious objector. His friends and neighbors almost unilaterally begin to vilify and torment him. A mob gathers and coats his bicycle, which he uses to deliver the post, with blood and chicken feathers. With the villagers shunning him, Claire worries for him. She gently persuades him that she is not afraid of the reactions of the other villagers and convinces him to let her stand at his side.

Alison takes as a tenant the new schoolteacher, Teresa Fenchurch. Later Teresa reveals herself to Alison as a lesbian. Initially Alison is shocked but she overcomes her initial shock and reassures Teresa that she wants her to stay as Teresa has become her best (and nearly only) friend.

Steph worries for her husband when she realizes he feels he must join and fight. Eventually she confronts him and tells him to go, as he is gradually tearing himself apart over this decision.

When war becomes even more certain, Frances and the WI decide it is time for a community air raid shelter to be installed in case of an attack. In order to intercept Joyce's interference with this plan, Frances enlists Claire in a plot to misdirect Joyce by making her think they are planning to use the church as the town's air raid shelter. Thus Joyce's efforts at stymieing Frances and the "new" WI, of which she strongly disapproves, are totally misdirected and the plan for the actual shelter proceeds without interference.

Teresa realizes that neither Steph nor her son can read and is in danger of losing the farm because, since she can't read them, she is not complying with government regulations about wartime farming. She teaches Steph to read in order to save the family farm from confiscation due to noncompliance with government farming regulations.

In the final episode of the first series, Bob leaves for London, leaving Pat relieved and happy to be away from him, whilst Joyce leaves for the coast. She speaks with Frances over the war effort and hands over the keys to her tennis courts so that they may be used for food production. As the series finishes the final scene hints at the war taking its toll in Great Paxford.



Watch Home Fires on ITVplayer. Dried honesty bunch from daisyshop ...
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Series 2 (2016)


The return of Home Fires: WI shenanigans in a quaint English ...
src: www.telegraph.co.uk


The first season had a consolidated average rating of 6.2 million viewers to date and a 24 percent share. June 2015, ITV announced that it had ordered a second season of the programme. At the time of the end of the second season (8 May 2016), the first season had a rating of 8.0 out of 10 on IMDB. Alongside the positive attention from IMDB, the drama has been received favourably by critics. Samantha Bond was nominated for an award from the Satellite Awards. Season 2 met with similar success compared with Season 1 as the premiere episode gained 5.2 million overnight views, with the second episode reaching 4.7 million views.

Just days after the broadcast of the final episode of season 2, ITV announced it was cancelling the show and there would be no third season. A network spokesman said that despite the show's success, "the ITV commissioning team continues to refresh the channel's drama portfolio, hence the decision not to commission a further new season." A campaign to resurrect the show was launched after the cancellation was announced. Although the petition had over 30,000 signatures, ITV did not reverse its decision.

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After the series' cancellation, the writer continued the story as a novelisation. Published initially in July 2017 as an ebook (in 4 parts) from Amazon, the complete novel in book-format will be available in October 2017.

Amazon Fire TV Stick (2017) Review: Now with Alexa - Tech Advisor
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Home Fires first aired on 3 May 2015 on ITV. Internationally, the series premiered in Australia on 10 October 2015 on BBC First. The series premiered in the United States on 4 October 2015 on PBS.

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Home Fires...Season 2 | Great movie/tv costumes 20, 30 & 40s ...
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External links

  • Home Fires on IMDb

Source of article : Wikipedia